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Graduation Ceremony at EHTL for Hospitality Management Graduates
1st GGH students honored
DUVIBO project
LTA and EHTL students are commited !
New Partnership Agreement signed between Castel di Pietra Culinary Academy, IRFIP and EHTL
EHTL sporting feats: participation in the 14th ING Night Marathon
Testimony of Mr. Gerd KLESTADT, Bergen-Belsen camp survivor
Gerd KLESTADT, his call for a future of tolerance.
Portes ouvertes 2024: young people attracted by hospitality professions
Discover the infrastructure and backstage facilities of a school that embodies modernity, ambition and dynamism.
Promoting sustainable tourism through cultural exchange: a collaboration between the Lycée Classique de Diekirch and Italy, with the support of EHTL
Tourism and UNESCO Day at EHTL
„Hotelschoul huet mir an menger Professioneller Entwécklung ganz vill gehollef …“
Chef de cuisine, Restaurant Saint Pierre
1 star michelin
„ ech hunn do all meng Kichen Basen geléiert…, an huet mäin Selbstvertrauen gestäerkt ….“
Chef de partie, The Dorchester
„ Gudden Grondsteen fir an der Gastronomie ze starten“
Chef de partie, Traube Tonbach
« Striving for excellence », is the motto adopted in 2017 by the École d’Hôtellerie et de Tourisme du Luxembourg (EHTL). Founded in Diekirch in 1949, the school now has around 300 students learning not only skills that are particular to catering, hospitality and tourism but also soft skills such as punctuality, communication and flexibility. One of the school’s key strengths is its family feel. Class sizes are small and there is plenty of support to go around. ‘Our school is not a production line. We look after our young people and help and support them on their journey.’
However, there are some things we cannot teach, and the students have to bring with them, such as ambition, a strong work ethic, plenty of energy and a healthy curiosity about foreign cultures. Our doors are open to motivated young people who have just completed any kind of secondary education and will pursue excellence as they train in catering, hospitality or tourism professions.
Once their training is complete, our graduates will act as ambassadors for the school as they embark on a career in Luxembourg or use their qualification as a springboard to find work abroad given that the EHTL is the headquarters of the European Association of Hotel and Tourism Schools (AEHT).