The Ambassador of Japan to Luxembourg visiting the EHTL.
New projects in preparation.
Integrating artificial intelligence into education?
De Piwitsch – Willkommen in der Eis Bar! 03-07-2023
Einfache Eisrezepte für die Sommertage.
De Piwitsch 03-07-2023
Visit from the Portuguese Ambassador to Luxembourg
A collaborative project in the pipeline
Nordstad Summer Menu 2023
by Nordstad TV & EHTL
Length: 02:39 minutes
Hotel & Tourismschool Of Luxembourg: Setting New Benchmarks With Its Carefully Crafted Courses
WORLDCHEFS Magazine Issue 29 Anno 2023
SACC Culinary Academy Strategic Collaboration with EHTL and WORLDCHEFS Academy
Bildung am Dialog – EHTL
Bildung am Dialog | Innovativ Schoulen | École d’Hôtellerie et du Tourisme du Luxembourg
Length: 02:54 minutes
RTL-Radio Background am Gespréich 03-12-2022
RTL – Radio BACKGROUND du 03.12.2022
François Koepp, Michel Lanners an Jennifer Salbrecht
Paperjam 01-12-2022 Expogast 2022: la gastronomie (et la Suisse) qui gagne
A perfect gift for christmas by l’EHTL
Paperjam, 01.12.2022
L’essentiel – Les ateliers pâtisserie, «le passage obligé» des enfants 30-11-2022
Expogast: Les plus jeunes y trouvent leur bonheur avec les ateliers pâtisserie.
L’essentiel, 30.11.2022
De Piwitsch – Kochen um die Wette! 28-11-2022
Auch die Mini-Käch waren dabei
De Piwitsch 28-11-2022
Paperjam 17-11-2022
Oui, Chef!
L’EHTL ne lâche rien, bien au contraire
Paperjam, 17.11.2022
Le Quotidien 02-10-2022
Le Quotidien, 02.10.2022
Visit Pascal FOROTTI
Mr Pascal FOROTTI at the EHTL for the Award of Excellence 2022
Epicureanism and Marketing
M. Philippe SCHAUS, CEO Moët Hennessy (11.03.2022)
«With this job, you can go around the world»
«Story» Essentiel from 04 february 2022
The gastronomic programme
Interview with the director, Michel Lanners and student, Anja de Scheemaeker of the Luxembourg School of Hotel Management and Tourism.
Delano 01-10-2021
“Being far from Luxembourg brings new challenges”
Preparing for the opening
EHTL students prepare for the opening of Expo 2020 Dubaï