EHTL on the spot at the Luxembourg Army
In addition to the geographical proximity and the bonds of friendship and collegiality forged over many years, the two institutions also share common values: discipline, rigour, efficiency and flexibility are indeed as necessary in the military as in the catering and hotel business. “Moreover, if we go back to the origins of the organisation of kitchen brigades, led by chefs and where each one is assigned to a specific task, we realise that the model is directly inspired by the military hierarchy”, explained Mr Lanners, Director of the EHTL, before emphasising how beneficial this cooperation is for students in their training: “A good professional must be able to adapt and quickly make his mark in a new environment. This is precisely the opportunity that is given to our learners: they will be required to perform their services and prove their skills in a different context from that of the school. »
The students were immediately given the opportunity to demonstrate the extent of their know-how by preparing a refined menu that succeeded in delighting the taste buds and was served professionally, in a pleasant atmosphere and in compliance with covid-19 standards.
Satisfaction on the part of the guests and a gain in experience for the young people: this is a win-win partnership that the EHTL and the Luxembourg Army wish to develop further.